
At the end of May I performed in my first play! I joined the Slightly Off Center Players at the Center Theatre in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. Under the direction of Bobby Keniston I played the character Cecily Cardew. Our rehearsal process was almost 8 weeks and boy did we need that time to memorize all those lines! I learned so much from all the other actors, stagehands, and of course from Bobby. Our small cast became such a tight-knit group.

The Cast

I will have many fond memories, especially Lucas with his English rendition of Johnny Depp’s character in Pirates of the Caribbean. I don’t think anyone else could be so flexible when they walked! Teresa Myers did an amazing job as Miss Prism and it was a little scary to see her transform into a stern governess after a lot of makeup. I won’t forget my “pepto bismol” dress-it was ALL pink! But it did fit my character, especially with the ribbon bow in my hair.Anyone who has not seen the play the Importance of Being Earnest is missing out-the cleverness of playwright Oscar Wilde made me laugh and giggle all throughout rehearsals!

The Cast backstage

Here is another video clip created by his owner Jody Cabot. She included some footage of him long-lining, learning leg-yield on the long-lines, ground driving, and his first canter under saddle. Zeppelin just turned three yesterday so his training is coming along quite nicely!

Here is a nice video put together by Zeppelin’s owners, Jody and Ric Cabot. The video highlights his long-lining work, starting under saddle, and the beginnings of piaffe in-hand. Enjoy!

Douwe has been doing very well in his training. He is doing leg-yielding nicely in both directions and has also started doing some at the canter as well. This is helping him to balance in corners and on circles. Recently the exercise that has been helping Douwe the most is the halfpass in the trot. We use the First Level One halfturns to practice. I ask for some shoulder-fore down the long side, do a 10 meter trot circle in the corner and then ride the halfturn asking for halfpass. He keeps his bend well and is getting better about stepping over with the hind legs. Carolyn, my trainer, had me start doing halfpass to help him get his hind legs underneath him. His major issue is to engage and stay connected hind to front. I also do a lot of piaffe in-hand with rein-back as well. He is becoming more animated and loves to rein-back for a treat. He has a long way to go but he is definitely getting more comfortable to ride and lighter in his entire body. I am looking forward to taking him on trails and cantering again, that really helped his strength last summer.

Douwe in the 2009 Dover Parade

Zeppelin has been trotting on the lunge line with other riders as I handle him on the ground. We also do his piaffe in-hand work with the rider on his back. The rider’s job is to just stay in balance while holding the saddle and using no aids. Today we made the transition to me being in the saddle and Carolyn managing the lunge line. At this point the rider needs to start introducing the correct aids to the horse. He was ready for me to use my voice for transitions up and down and also to hold a whip in my hand. He took everything in stride and I found him to be very comfortable and  relaxed in his back. He has no negative training or bad memories to overcome so Zeppelin finds it easy to follow his training. Carolyn also introduced him to leg-yielding along the rail with the long-lines. He really listened and was able to get some very nice steps. She only asked him to leg-yield a couple times up and down the rail so he wouldn’t get frustrated on the first day.